Want to go a little wild this year with your Jack-o-lantern? Then try one of these fun and easy ways to kick up the carve. The very best part of Halloween night is the light that shines through your pumpkin, so go bold and ignite the room with one of these unusual ways to let Jack shine.
For standout lighting forgo the traditional candle and insert a mini LED color changing light! Create a great pumpkin face and place the mini light right in the bottom of the pumpkin and watch Jack’s face change colors from blue to red to gold as the light dances and flashes. You can get battery operated LED lights at most local hardware stores, Target and on line.
Get a groovy mirror ball effect right from your Halloween pumpkin! Clean out your pumpkin as usual then use a drill or hole punch and make small holes all the way around. Place a strong white battery operated LED light in the bottom center. Place the pumpkin on rotating device. An old turn table works great for this! Or use a Lazy Susan and throughout the night... give it a spin. Watch the lights cling to the walls and move around the room!
COOLEST PUMPKIN EVER! If you really want to stand out from the crowd, turn your pumpkin into a Whirling Willie. Hit your local dollar store or discount bin at party stores and buy many various sizes of glow sticks. Simply clean out your pumpkin, remove the glow sticks from packaging and measure the circumference. Drill various size holes to match the size and number of sticks. Just before your guests arrive crack the sticks to ignite the glow and insert into pumpkin. This pumpkin is also great to place on a turn table or Lazy Susan. Turn off the lights and watch the neon colors dance and shimmer.
Put those holiday twinkle lights to work! Pumpkins don’t have to be big to be beautiful! Turn mini pumpkins into beautiful decorations to brighten your Halloween party. Use short light strings of 10-30 lamps each, depending on the size pumpkin you are lighting. Clean out pumpkin, drill small holes just large enough for the each lamp to push through. Make one larger opening in the back to pull the end of the cord through. Create an assortment of various size Bright Bettys to place around your house and see your home glisten in a truly unique way this Halloween.