Make great decorations using trash bags!


big bag spider

Turn everyday trash bags into a giant frightening arachnid!

14 Large black trash bags
Black tape or dark colored pipe cleaners
Thin wire (optional)
Plastic cups or red paper for eyes and mouth
Stuffing material (newspapers, bubble wrap, packing foam, leaves from your yard)

Stuff 1 black trash bag ¾ full of crumpled newspaper (or any type packing material; foam, bubble wrap, leaves from your yard)
Gather excess bag at the end and tape closed with black tape
Stuff 1 black trash bag ¼ full of crumpled newspaper (or other packing material)
Gather excess bag and tape to close
Attach the two bags tightly together at ends and tape or wire together

Lay 3 bags end-to-end overlapping by about 10 inches
If using wire for bendable legs lay wire on top of bags and cut to the same size.
Roll up tight lengthwise and tape at ends and at the area the bags overlap.
Make additional synch points along the leg to emulate a spider’s leg joints and to keep the bags rolled snug.
Make four long legs.
Cut four small slits along one side of the spider body, low and close to the ground.
Do the same on the other side matching the approximate slit positions.
Thread the legs in one of the slits, weave through the stuffed bags, and pull out the slit on the opposite side.

Bend all the legs UP at the body and bend down to replicate a spider legs.

Cut 3 red plastic party cups approximately 3” from the bottom.
Glue or tape 2 close together for eyes and 1 underneath for mouth
Place him in your house or right in the front yard to greet trick-or-treaters!


bag a ghost

Two white trash bags and leftover plastic grocery bags are all you need!

2 white trash bags (OK if it is a cinch sack, we’ll show you haw to remove band)
15 white plastic grocery bags inserted into each other to form a bundle
Black sharpie
Old wire coat hanger
String, thread or tape to gather neck

Insert wire coat hanger into bundle of bags
Bend if needed to keep bag bundle round
Push the hook end through the bottom of the bundle and puncture (pulling wire hook out the top)
Tie the exterior bag tight around the hanger

Open one white trash bag and feed over the hanger-bag bundle
Gather bag approximately 1/3 of the way down from the top, (be sure not to cinch to tightly) and tape or tie
Lay second white bag flat on table and cut the bottom open
Stretch cut bag up over the gathered part of the first bag
Fold the cut end down to form a clean line, cinch around the upper bag and tie or tape
Hang Bag a Ghost in tree, ledge or awning and watch as he sways in the breeze!